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Sullivan Olivier
11 Nov 2011
Derry, Ireland
Second year, Slytherin
34,4 cm mayhaw wood and unicorn hair
Name: Sullivan Olivier
Nicknames: Sulli, Little Oli
Title: Master
Birthdate: 11/11/2011
Zodiac: Scorpio
Birthplace: Derry, Ireland
Current Residence: Dun O'Sheehan, Ireland

Gender: male
Sexuality: bisexual
Social Class: Irish and French Socialite
Nationality: Irish, French
Spoken Languages: English, Irish, French
Occupation: student

Father: Pierre Rousseau Oliver
Mother: Saoirse Niamh O'Sheehan
Caoilfhionn: brother (23)
Beckham: brother (13)


Extended Family:

Height: 4 feet, 8 inch
Weight: 75 pounds
Build: tall, skinny
Hair: dark brown, medium length, curly
Eyes: dark hazel
Skin: tan
Distinguishing Features:
Lots of freckles on his face and arms

Clothing and Accessories:
Sullivan is big into fashion, he loves dressing up and trying new styles.

Personal Characteristics
Personality: Sullivan loves music, art, literature, and nature. He enjoys spending time with people, especially if they are doing anything that involves the arts. He plays the piano and wants to eventually learn how to play the violin.

Skills/Talents: music, charms, transfiguration
Hobbies: the arts, reading
Fears: the dark,
Likes: history, nature, fine dining
Dislikes: loud people, getting dirty, the cold
Strengths: supportive, inquisitive
Weaknesses: accepting help, setting boundries
Flaws: a bit snobby, arrogant, superiority

Magical Attributes
Blood Status: Pureblood
Hogwarts House: Slytherin (Secondary: Ravenclaw)
Wand: 34,4 cm mayhaw wood and unicorn hair
Wand Hand: right
Patronus: NA
Patronus Memory: NA
Boggart: Clown
Amortentia: fresh baked bread. vanilla, sesame, wood smoke

History/Background Story:
Sullivan was born in Derry, Ireland.
His mother was Saoirse Niamh O'Sheehan, a Irish socialite in British aristocracy, and his father was Pierre Rousseau Olivier, the descendant of a French Count.
He has two older brothers, Caoilfhionn (23) and Beckham (13)

When he turned 11, he received his letter from Hogwarts, though his father had very much wanted him to register to Beauxbatons. He had a hard time choosing between Hogwarts, where his mother's family had gone, and Beauxbatons, where his fathers's family came from. He ended up choosing Hogwarts in order to stay with the friends he had made.

First Instance of Magic:
His first signs of magic happened when he was 6 years old. His mother was hosting a dinner party, and he wanted a cookie. He was denied which made him angry and he had a tantrum which caused all the kitchen cupboard doors to fly open and the dishes to crash to the floor. He was sent to his room without dinner, but his parents were relieved that he finally showed signs of magic. The prospect of raising a squib would have disappointed them greatly. He was the latest to start showing signs of magic between the three boys.