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Chaggan Seth
01 Sep 2011
Birmingham, England
First year, Slytherin
26,1 cm laurel wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: I have jet black hair & dark brown. My complexion is fairly white, although I have tan on my forearms due to excess exposure to sunlight. I am skinny, but not too much.

Mental Description: I have genuinely been an intelligent learner, but I do have a cunning mind. I am not really too much passionate about a thing, but I have liked the Wizarding World since childhood. And no, i don't practice self harm.

Biography: I have a pretty loving family, comprised of my maternal grandparents and my mother. They have been living with us since my father passed away. He was very fascinated by Magical creatures, especially the Acromantula. So once when he went to debunk a few residents who said that there was an Acromantula colony in a nearby forest, he went scourging it. And then he was mistakenly entered the fabled colony, he was completely surrounded. And upon that, when he was looking for his wand, he found that it had somehow fallen out of his pocket near the Acromantula nest, hence it was futile to look for it. He was finally murdered by the colony head Wolfeg. I was 7 at that time. I don't have any known relatives from my father's side, except my Aunt and cousin. From my mother's side I have 4 Aunts, and 6 cousins, out of which are 4 brothers and 2 sisters. They are very loving and encouraging.

First Instance of Magic: I first did underage wandless magic, when I saw my father at his deathbed. I was too young to understand what had happened to him, I was just informed that an Acromantula named Wolfeg had bitten him. While everyone was crying, as a child I started to cry too, and since I very close to his bed, my tears fell on the cloth covering his body, and suddenly I saw that the cloth had begun smoke due to my tears, while I tried to wipe them, they felt so hot that I felt i was touching a hot cup of tea. Everyone was shocked, and I was given a cloth by mother to wipe the tears, that too kept burning. Finally when, I stopped crying, the tears also stopped, but magically, my cheeks weren't hurt or burnt, it just felt as if I had put my face in a hot water bowl, although the cloth on my dad's body and wipe had burn marks on them.