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Cosette Seraphine
10 Mar 2012
Knightsbridge, England
First year, Slytherin
30,9 cm ash wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: I have black hair with green and feminine facial features. Small nose and big almond eyes. I am of medium height at 4'8. I only wear dresses and ballet flats. Sometimes I wear white sneakers when riding my broomstick.

Mental Description: I enjoy reading and going on walks in my family's garden. What's more, I love shopping at Borgin and Burkes with my parents. My favorite time is tea, where I can be with my mother and father. I am relatively calm and collected but my demeanor can change based on how threatened I feel. I was brought up to defend my house and its honor.

Biography: Before attending Hogwarts I often attended balls thrown by my parents to introduce me to other children my age and learn proper etiquette. My parents are very loving and have taught me to embrace my familial ancestry through studying and reading published literature.

First Instance of Magic: My first instance with magic happened when I was aged 5. I did not fully understand my capabilities. Most of my ancestors had their magic encounters around this age. I had been arguing with my sister, Celeste, and caused a small spark of light to appear. Although my family had been proud to see me produce this small amount of magic, they were upset with me for arguing with my sister.