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Boo Correa
05 Apr 2012
Dublin, Ireland
First year, Slytherin
26,8 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: A young boy with a rather muscular build and a rather average height (4'11"). Boo has light blue eyes and light blond hair. The tip of his nose is slightly upturned. He often wears baggy shirts but tighter pants.

Mental Description: Boo is a cheerful young boy who cares a little too much about what others think. He's also incredibly stubborn; if he wants something he'll get it no matter what. He doesn't like to rely on others or magic too much and sometimes prefers the "muggle" way of doing things by hand. Although slightly annoying at first, Boo is a likeable person.

Biography: Boo grew up in a pretty average town in Ireland. Thanks to his lighthearted personality he had lots of friends and was always surrounded by them. His parents are decent kind people who didn't impose too many rules on their one son.

First Instance of Magic: Boo was 6 when, in his struggle to pick up seven plates at once, he dropped them. He had been clearing up the dining table, bent on bringing all the dishes to the sink in one go when he slipped and the plates all fell to the ground. To his surprise, they just bounced off the ground, much unlike their typical behaviour. His mother was overjoyed.