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Hermes Finn
10 May 2012
Brighton, England
First year, Ravenclaw
34,6 cm willow wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: 1.49 m, skinny, short blonde hair and blue eyes, slightly crooked teeth. round glasses with +1 number. dresses in a sporty way. left handed.

Mental Description: diagnosed with ADHD and takes medication for it. no other mental illnesses, apart from the fact that he's very shy (no trauma or anything, just personality)

Biography: was born in Finland (but doesn't speak Finnish), to a muggle dad and a witch mum from an ancient family. his dad knew that his mother was a witch, but married her anyway. they had Hermes in Finland, but moved back to England because of his mother's family demanding them to move back and live closer to them. had a normal childhood, went to a muggle school and was quite successful there. didn't have many muggle friends, because he's shy, and because a lot of people from the neighborhood thought his family was weird. found comfort in playing the piano and reading, or just walking around in the streets (didn't help with the rumors as well, an 8 years old who's just traveling around Brighton?). his parents are both very cheerful people, and they like to have fun. unfortunately, Hermes didn't get these traits, and acted more like his mother's family, who are all cold and stern wizards (most of them were in Slytherin). wasn't raised as an iPad kid, but had access to computers and technology.

First Instance of Magic: accidently made the piano keep playing for hours the same melody because he got upset that he couldn't play it well.