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Lulu Sirus
26 Sep 2011
York, England
First year, Hufflepuff
32,1 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: hi im lulu and i am very energetic i look really young and and i have pink hair my hair isnt originally pink but i dyed it and pretty brown eyes so come be my friend i am the size of a 6-8 year old though thats just when i stopped growing i have hearing trouble too

Mental Description:I was put into foster care at a age but luckily i got super nice foster parents my foster mom buys me art stuff my foster dad teaches me at home but the other foster kids like to play loud so i always stay alone unless im hyper but when i learned about hogwarts i got so excited since i might meet kids like me since i always felt like i was the only one

Biography:I was placed in foster care at the age of two and there were lots of kids that always teased me and some played with me but i always felt different somehow and when I found out i had powers I thought it was cool but even worse since i was even more different I thought it would make me the only one with powers but i was happy to find out that there were many more like me
First Instance of Magic: I was walking in the park at age 7 when on a field trip and i was playing with a group of kids and all of the sudden when playing football i was screaming that i would catch it but then the ball hit me in the face and all the kids were laughing at me and at that moment all i saw was pure rage and then the next thing i knew they were passed out