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Laura Verlesen
05 Jan 2012
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
32,5 cm willow wood and phoenix feather
i am an Asian girl with long straight black hair and bangs brown eyes .

i am a smart and creative girl i am also very shy. Oh and i love pandas!. And i am a very messy person. I keep all my emotions inside a tiny bottle inside of me. And i love funny things.

i live in a family of five, 2 younger sisters and i am i a trio of friends in a small school. I am constently being bullied because all i do is read most of the time i draw. i live in a normal house. i play piano and take drama lessons. I share rooms with my sisters (btw they are very spoiled) but i am going to have a new room in around march. I loooove reading books and drawing and i also do crochet!
I am currently making a purse! I dont really know what to talk about so i often bring up the weather.... I have two guinea pigs and they are sooo cute. The one thing i hate is doing chores

One day i felt really sad because someone said really mean things to me. And i was alone in my bedroom and then something really strange happend, the room started flooding with water and then my sister came in then all the water disapeerd. I felt so weird it was like i was dreaming, i went down the stairs and told my parents everything and then they told me that it was time to tell me about a wizarding world.
Then i found out that my mom is a muggle born and my dad a pure-blood. I am not allowed to tell my sisters because my parents want to tell them when something weird happends to them. Its been really weird because my sister has been suspecting things so i try not to feel sad anymore.