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Heriberto Reyes
Wizard born
03 Sep 2011
Harleston, England
First year, Gryffindor
25,5 cm beech wood and kelpie hair
Physical Description: white long bond hair 5.3 blue eyes a little chubby but still cute and baby-faced shoe size is 5

Mental Description: usually quite happy but gets grumpy easily very friendly
And out going tries to make everyone happy.
Just want to do have fun and learn magic aways make sure his friends are safe and happy before himself doesn't think himself as a hero but just a good friend who always tries to be there and help.

Biography: Heriberto Reyes Is a only child born into a loving family and have to caring parents, his mom and dad his mum chose to stay at home and raise him and his dad works at the ministery of magic His child was pretty normal he just wanted to have fun I have lots of food and go on adventures with them which they did often nothing dangerous or exciting Just lots of exploring and having fun.

First Instance of Magic: Heriberto with 9 with his family up a mountain in Scotland he thought he was safe, So he decided to go ahead of his parents, even though they said it was dangerous he ended up falling he was obviously terrified for his life but before he hit the ground or anything on the way he ended up floating to the ground and afterwards his parents, managed to found him halfway down the mountain they were upset that when they had when they said it was unsafe but happy that he was ok and safe they decided to start heading home after that.