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Ophelia Robinson
17 Aug 2011
Ledbury, England
First year, Hufflepuff
23,9 cm walnut wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description:[/b She has bushy blonde hair with a brown tint. She is medium length for her age. She has some freckles but not a lot.

Mental Description: She is very nice and smart. She got all As in her previous school. She didn’t have many friends but is faithful she will this year at Hogwarts. She did get bullied but after her first instance with magic they left her alone. People called her the weirdo of the school but she just ignored them.

Biography: She has a mom and a Dad. Her mom is a nurse and her dad works for the mystery of magic. He works in the sports department. She has three brothers who haven’t shown any sign of magic. They are all younger than her. Her father is the only wizard in the family so far.

First Instance of Magic: It was a very sunny day in may. Just a day before she turned eleven.she was walking down the street with her brother. They were walking to the most park. Then a bully walked up behind them and tackled her brother. She tried to get him off of her brother but the bully wasn’t moving. She got so mad, she closed her eyes and breathed when she opened her eyes the bully was screaming.Then she looked and he had a pig tail!