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Glenn Reid
Wizard born
08 Oct 2011
Wedmore, England
First year, Slytherin
27,7 cm acacia wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: Pale white skin with short Auburn hair and light blue eyes. Tall height and athletic body. Likes to Wears robes and a Slytherin scarf and carries a potion book

Mental Description: has great intelligence and remembering capacity. Likes to read, play games and paint, and potion making due to it's subtle nature

Biography:Before hogwarts glenn grew up in the typical pureblood house of reid with both of his parents who works in the ministry of magic. Glenn has no siblings, being an only child glenn somewhat grew up alone having only books as a friend. This is how he developed his love for books. Unlike other families glenn and his parents never disliked muggleborns. On a typical day glenn starts his day with having breakfast, then reading books and finally going out to play. Glenn has a favorite past time of painting. Having leaned painting Glenn is a very good painter. Like other pureblood children Glenn has learned dancing and is a very proficient dancer. His pre hogwarts life was spent with his parents in a loving household

First Instance of Magic: glenn's first instance of accidental magic happened when Glenn was a two year old child. He was wanting to get a quill and when his father refused Glenn became angry and all the glass nearby cracked due to his magical outburst