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Steve Reen
Wizard born
26 Jun 2012
Portsmouth, England
First year, Slytherin
26,4 cm walnut wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: Steve is a relatively skinny boy with blonde-brown hair and hazel eyes. He has an average height with the potential to grew more with the years due to the body wise tall genetics in his family.

Mental Description: Steve can be shy at meeting people, but this can vary. He loves jokes and everything that comes with it. He loves to watches wizards dueling and dreams of being an elite duelist one day himself.
He has a relatively high moral standard but lacks of ambition.

Biography: Steve is a wizard-born out of the Reen family. Not the most known family in regards of achievements in the wizarding world but still a proud and established family. Steve was raised mainly by his grandmother due to the stressing jobs of his parents. His dad Franklin Reen works in the Ministry of Magic while his mom Cathlin Reen works in St. Mungo's. Steve doesn't have siblings.

First Instance of Magic: Steve's first usage of magic happened shortly after his 9th birthday.
When he was running around in the nearby forest he saw a hedgehog that seemed to be gravely wounded. He was leaning over the hedgehog and touched it softly with his hands. He seemed to be in a state of shock but still he stayed. As the hedgehog slowly was dying Steve couldn't resist but to cry.
With his tears some leaves began to fall down simultaneously.
This sad event was the first time he used accidentally magic.