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Emma Cayla
04 Oct 2011
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
30,1 cm cherry wood and white river monster spine
Physical Description: Emma is a shorter than average 11 years old being 135cm tall. A tiny girl with short yet fluffy brown hair and very dark droopy brown eyes. She doesn't seem to be very expressive

Mental Description: Emma is a quiet girl, but doesn't entirely seem to be shy but just silent, introverted and just minds her own business, she loves fantasy books and childish tales. She speaks in a more neutral accent more closely related to the american accent, her father is american and during her childhood she learnt from both her parents.

Biography: Emma live with her parents as an only child, feeling a bit lonely since both of her parents have to work and come back home late. But she had the books her parents bought her to keep her busy and sometimes the children of the block would invite her to play. But in all honesty it was quite lonely for her even though her parents are very loving and caring.

First Instance of Magic: It was a comfy holiday, the Xmas after her 9th birthday, the whole family was relaxing in front of the chimney. Emma was sitting down in the sofa when she realized she forgot to bring her book to her, feeling a little too lazy she extended her arms trying to notice her father to bring it to her but suddenly, not only the book she wanted but the entire bookshelves of books started flying around making a mess.