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Kate Ramsey
Wizard born
21 Apr 2012
Kensington, England
First year, Hufflepuff
32,4 cm cherry wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: Kate stands at average height for her age of four foot nine. She has long blonde hair with natural caramel highlights that fall into layers around her freckled face. Her eyes are a light green color that she inherited from her father.

Mental Description: Kate is an intelligent, independent girl with a talent for sarcasm. She isn't afraid to stand up for what she believes in and to stand up for those she cares about. She hates bullies and treats everybody with kindness unless they give her reason not to.

Biography: Kate was born to her father Jonathan Ramsey and her mother Amelia, both of which were Wizards. Kate has never been to the muggle world and was raised in the Wizarding world only. Her parents met each other in their teenage years and fell in love. They had Kate young by accident and were never able to have any more children. Growing up an only child meant that Kate spent a lot of time on her own and is used to being indendepent/finding her own way.

First Instance of Magic: Kate's first instance with magic occurred when she was five years old. She was outside chasing rabbits when she accidentally levitated one into the air with her mind.