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Bailey Ledges
Camden, England
First year, Slytherin
27,8 cm aspen wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: Bailey is of medium height, with bright red hair that is almost always uncombed. His hair nearly touches the back of his shirt, because he often neglects to get a haircut by the barber. A few freckles dot his right cheek, giving him an almost lopsided appearance.

Mental Description: Bailey has a perpetual smile, an optimistic outlook on life, and loves to spend time with his friends and family. He prefers to stay out of trouble if he can, but at times (too many times) the temptation is too great, and the urging of his friends too strong, that he often ends up causing mischief and then swiftly being punished by the teachers/parents/whoever catches him. He would never hurt anyone on purpose, and will stand up to those who would try to hurt him, his family, or his friends. Bailey knows that all human life is the same, and wants to have as many friends as he can. People are naturally drawn to him, due to his friendliness around strangers. Bailey has good intentions, but does trust strangers too much, and will often say things he shouldn’t say around people he doesn’t know well.

Biography: Bailey was born on September 31, 2011, to loving parents Michael and Julia Ledges. Being a half blood, he had no knowledge of the magical world, or even that magic existed, but his father, the wizard, often would bring home books and legends based on magical lore, and because of his father’s strong influence, became obsessed with the tales of great wizards who lived long ago. He grew up watching movies with magic in them, dreaming that he too was one of these great wizard he read about in the wonderful stories he would read for hours on end. Bailey grew older, and through his school, met many of his best friends, friends he wanted to be with forever. Bailey always wished for a sibling, but for some reason, his parents would never listen to his pleadings for another child, often saying “Bailey, one of you is more than any parent can handle without losing their mind”, and then promptly burst into laughter, leaving Bailey confused as to what was so funny. When Bailey entered middle school, his parents decided the time was right to send him to Julia’s former private school, Churchill Academy. Bailey was excited, but also reluctant to leave his lifelong friends. He soon made more friends, but never really forgot the friends he would spend time playing with for hours at a time.

First Instance of Magic: While Bailey made friends, he was also seen as a weak 10-year old target for older students at the school, someone to harass and bully. He never fought back, only silently accepted their teasing, refusing to sink down to their level. But one day, Bailey was using the restroom, and was upset over a bad test grade. He had never felt this bad, and prayed that the bullies would NOT show up here. After mentally hoping for this, he felt rough hands grab him, and shove him to the ground. It was a group of 13 year olds, who made him their favorite punching bag. Bailey felt angrier than he ever had in his life, but before he could do or say anything, water from the urinal leapt out, on its own, and sprayed the leader in the face. Confused, Bailey kept to his feet and ran out, while the other students were in a state of shock and confusion.

(Have made all appropriate edits)