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Eun Lee
31 Aug 2012
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
29,3 cm vine wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: tan and soft skin, brown eyes with no contact lenses, dark-brown hair, her hair has butterfly-cut plump lips, button nose, slim and long fingers, round-diamond-ish face, athletic-skinny figure

Mental Description: introverted, smart, has a soft spot for everyone, doesn't get jokes immediately, might take jokes seriously, quiet when she's meeting someone new or is somewhere new, loud and talk active when she's with someone she'd known for quite a while

Biography: She is Half-Blood, her mother's a pure-blood and her father is a muggle. She goes as she/her/them. She has no siblings or relatives except her parents. She was befriended by a lot of people at school, though due to getting more introverted they got distant from her. She is a smiling girl and tries not to show her bad side. She's Korean-Austrian but she lives in London with her parents in a house. Her mother is Austrian but she moved to England when she was a child, and her father is Korean and he moved to England because of work. She had been living her whole life in the muggle-world, because her mother didn't want her to know anything about magic until she was old enough or showed any sign of being a witch. She went to a private school in London and made a non-magical friend there, named Alex.

First Instance of Magic: The day after her tenth birthday, she woke up like it was a normal day. After she changed and went to the bathroom, she noticed her eyes had turned green instead of their usual brown color. She panicked and screamed her mother's name, and as she entered, the eye color was back to normal; brown.