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Moon Winter
31 Jul 2012
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
29,1 cm cherry wood and phoenix feather
Moon Winter is a half-blood witch who has extremely dark brown hair that it's almost black. She was born on the 31st of July, 2012. Her eyes are soft and dark brown. She has bangs running down the side of her face. Moon is quite skinny and her height is about 145 centimetres.

Moon Winter is a kind, loyal, sympathetic, yet quite shy girl. She loves helping out; her small flaw would be her shyness. She may not look it, but Moon is quite brave/courageous.

She was born under the care of both her parents, who are both very nice to her. Her mother was a muggle, yet her father was a wizard. However, she grew up quite alone, apart from her family; at school, she was quite shy and only had very few proper friends. She did attend normal school before receiving her letter. Moon Winter had only a vague idea of Hogwarts, and it was explained to her on her 11th birthday. Once the letter was received, her parents fully supported her and guided her (especially her father, who was a wizard and had attended Hogwarts himself).

Moon Winter, at the age of only 5, had accidentally slipped off the roof of her house (which she had very bravely climbed), and didn't get the injury she was expecting. A metre above the ground, she floated for a few seconds before drifting down smoothly. As she was only 5, she barely took notice of it, though her parents did quite proudly.