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Tokashi Park
22 Apr 2012
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
22,4 cm mayhaw wood and phoenix feather
At just 11 years old, he possessed an incredible physique, with a toned and muscular body that caught everyone's attention. With his strong arms and legs, Tokashi could easily sprint and jump like a true athlete. Adding to his charm was his magnificent hourglass figure, which made him stand out amongst his peers. His long, shining black hair cascaded down his back, adding a touch of mystery and elegance to his overall appearance.

Physically impressive as he was, there was so much more to Hiroshi than just his stunning looks. Mentally, he possessed a sharp and agile mind, always curious and eager to learn. Tokashi's personality was a delightful blend of kindness, intelligence, and determination. He always took the time to help others, never hesitating to lend a hand or offer words of encouragement.

Outside of Hogwarts, Tokashi had a warm and loving family. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nakamura, were both kind-hearted individuals who supported and encouraged Hiroshi in everything he pursued. Together, they shared countless moments of laughter, joy, and love.

When Tokashi was just a 3-year-old boy, he experienced his first act of accidental wandless magic. While playing in his backyard, Tokashi's emotions became so overwhelming that he unintentionally performed his first act of magic. A shimmering spark manifested from his tiny fingertips, surprising everyone around him.