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Tomikawa Magaribuchi
07 Feb 2012
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
27,5 cm aspen wood and horned serpent horn
Physical Description: Black hair with dyed white hair tufts, yellow eye contacts (real eye colour is green), slightly tan skin, three ear piercings (one on his right and two on his left). he wears golden glasses and his usual casual clothes are usually a red/black shirt, a jacket, a hat, shorts/pants, a fanny pack, and red/black trainers.

Mental Description: Doesn't trust people very easily, uses logic and first-impression to tell whether someone has good intentions or not. When you become his friend he's just a super hyper dude. If a friend gives him soup he will love the guy forever (or at least until he betrays him or something-).

Biography: Was separated from a close friend years ago, and is hoping he might meet her again. His father is a wizard and his mother is a muggle. He originally went to a muggle school before he was admitted to Hogwarts. He was expelled from his muggle school, due to his first instance of magic occurring there.

First Instance of Magic: Made the lights pop in his muggle school from standing up to a bully when he was ten. His negative emotions made the glass around the lights shatter, leaving him with glass in his hair, terrified schoolmates and very concerned parents. He was then expelled from the school for obvious reasons.