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Gargamel Starwise
12 Jan 1957
Hogsmeade, Scotland
Professor of Astronomy, Hogwarts
Physical Description: Gargamel Starwise is a tall fellow, well over six feet. He has a longish nose and an open and friendly face. His hair is generally kept short and styled, sometimes black, sometimes white, sometimes mixed.

He prefers stylish wizarding clothes.

The good professor is well known for his good humour and jollity.

Mental Description: Highly intelligent; intensely curious; jolly and good natured.

Biography: Hogwarts 1968 - 1975; F.A.S. London, Astrol. Dipl. 1977; Cambridge B.Sc. Astronomy, 1979; Oxford M.Sc. Astrometry, 1981; Cambridge D.Sc. Cosmology;

First Instance of Magic: Oh dear! That was such a long time ago! Heheh! I recall well, it was Christmas of 1961 and my dear sister, two years my elder, received a toy broom! Oh how I wanted a toy broom of my own! When all I received was a load of Great Great Grandmother's hand knit jumpers and onesies, I became so cross that I -- quite accidentally, I assure you --- tied that broom to her pigtails so tightly she began to wail like a stricken cat!

Oh, the poor dear! So delighted was I at her predicament, and so delighted were our parents that I'd shown my magic so early that my poor sister was compelled to suffer the torment of being dragged about the room by her new broom for at least ten minutes!