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Avangaline Sokalov
Manchester, England
First year, Hufflepuff
27,7 cm aspen wood and unicorn hair
Life before hogwarts was nothing special for Ava, just an English girl born to immigrant parents who never seemed happy with anything she did.

Years went by and scoldings turned to beatings, and the poor girl never knew better. Though her home life was such, she still managed to retain a positive outlook on life, remaining a smiling happy girl dispite the tooth that will never grow back and her poor vision in her left eye.

When the letter arrived her patents were shocked to say the least, but agreed quickly as if they wished her gone as soon as possible.

Avangaline cried when she first got the letter, and again when she first got her wand, to think of it the girl cried tears of joy at nearly every new experience.

Personality:A kind but soft girl to be sure, Avangaline is quick to tears, and does not take negativity well.

She enjoys small fluffy things and listening to others speak, always finding the different poitns of view interesting if nothing else. Her favorite sweet is simple honey, and anybody who provides it will find it can be used to forgive near anything for the girl.

She does her best to try her best, but failure often discourages her easily. She has a terrible time accepting that anyone could truly be evil or mean spirited. She is pure and naive to a fault, a strange thing to be so positive after being through so much.


A tiny girl at barely 4ft (121 cm ), Avangaline has soft pale skin that easily cuts, bruises and sunburns. She pays little attention to her long blonde hair besides brushing it or running her fingers through it during her nurvous breakdowns. Her eyes are soft and kind, her left strangely darker and harder to see out of than the other.