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Matthew Campbell
11 Oct 2011
Glasgow, Scotland
Second year, Slytherin
25,4 cm cherry wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: Matthew has short brunette curls that often end up in front of his face covering his eyes. He was always on the shorter side than the people around him being 4"6 and has a slim build. With the hazel eyes he inherited from his father he often has a far off look as if he is always half here and half in his own world.

Mental Description:Matthew loves his own company, losing himself in works of fiction and envisioning hundreds of worlds from within his own head. He is bursting with imagination and would never wish ill of anyone but often struggles to be understood and speak up for himself preferring to live in his own head than risk being seen and not accepted. From a young age he always felt different and now he is excited to discover that their may have always been a reason for it. Often Matthew has been underestimated by people who think he won't stand up for himself when really he finds you can gain much more knowledge by being unseen and listening than a direct approach.

Biography: Before Hogwarts Matthew always did well in school but kept mostly to himself, however, when he was at home he would really come alive as he had the best family you could ask for. Matthew was born to Patrick and Holly Campbell but shortly after he was born his mother passed away. For a while his father struggled to be a single dad until he met his new partner Sean who instantly fell in love with the both of them and they have looked after 'Matty' as they call him since he was 5 together. Patrick is an artist and Sean a lawyer and they struggled for a long time financially but recently have provided Matthew with a very comfortable life, getting to travel to places abroad for art shows. When Matthew started to show his magical ability and a professor from Hogwarts school of wizardry came to invite him to attend the school his parents were worried about what it would mean for them all but have allowed him to go despite their worry after many hours of pleading. He worries how his dad will be without him as he is the only thing he has left of his mother but he is looking forward to making memories with people that understand him fully.

First Instance of Magic: It was a regular, miserable, rainy day around in Glasgow when Matthew, age 6, was walking home from school. As he balanced along the side of the curb, walking the pavement home, he felt himself trip onto the street just as a car came speeding past. As he was falling with the screams of his father, running towards him to try and grab him he felt himself stop. Floating in mid air he remained suspended until the car safely passed him in which he fell into the puddled road. Laughing as his father's face changed from fear to disbelief, he was scooped up and embraced in the tightest hug as Matthew asked if he could do it all again.