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Tallulah McPhail
Wizard born
21 Jun 2012
Isle Of Skye, Scotland
First year, Gryffindor
29,8 cm chestnut wood and phoenix feather
What do they look like?
Height: 4 feet 9 inches
Dark purple curly hair (dyed)
Turquoise eyes, freckles (which she hates), and a dimple on her left cheek (which she likes)

What is their personality?
Tallulah McPhail is outgoing once you get to know her. She often watches people interact before jumping into the conversation. She is the only daughter of two wizards. She is a pure ambivert; she enjoys social events but looks forward to time alone to read and weave. She has a pet cow which she was told she could not bring to school much to her chagrin.
Tell us a bit about their history.

Tallulah was raised in a small village on the Isle of Skye. Her father’s family is very overbearing because of this Tallulah's parents decided to move far away from them and live on the Isle Of Skye.

Tallulah has only spoken to her grandmother from her father's side and is closer to her mom’s side of the family and enjoys the small and vibrant wizard community on the Isle.

How or when did their magic (FIOM) first surface?

It was simple really. when she was 10 the school bully called her friend Shaun a cruel name and she accidentally slammed the book he was holding into his face without lifting a finger. She didn’t get into trouble at school but when she told her parents about it they gave her “the talk”.

Location of Residence
Waternish, Isle of Skye, Scotland