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Catherine Berkshire
01 Aug 2012
Barton, England
First year, Slytherin
26,7 cm willow wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: Golden blond hair, About 4’9, green grey eyes, beautiful, hourglass, button nose, small ears.

Mental Description: sweet, can be very rude and sassy. Smart mouth, smart, observant, kind, likes animals, likes to read outside, likes flying, loves to be with her friends, bold, protective, loyal. She loves to be outside and to run in the forest and fields. She has great potential but what path she will chose will not be known until it has been chosen

Biography: An only child from a pure-blood family. Her family is hard on her but she prevails. She grew up an only child without many friends. She spent most of her time either reading in her homes library or outside in the forest, fields, or the lake near her home. Her best friend was a girl named Izzy who she spent almost all of her time with. But sadly one day Izzy’s family had to move away. Hopefully She will run into Izzy and meet her again but for now the future is unknown.

First Instance of Magic: When she was only five years old, she got mad and accidentally blew up a wall. She was having a tantrum and she got so mad that when she screamed the wall exploded. No one was hurt thankfully but that was when she first discovered her magic.