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Jasmyne Lavender
31 Jul 2012
Oxford, England
First year, Hufflepuff
30,9 cm sycamore wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Long black hair, black eyes, slightly tanned, 147cm tall.

Mental Description: Sporty, friendly, hardworking, trustworthy, hates loud noises and crowds. Likes reading romantic/detective books and taking photos of the sunset as a hobby. Can sometimes be forgetful. Huge Quidditch fan.

Biography: Family: Half-blood, kind parents and friends in general. Have been bullied several times in school (because I originated in Asia) and also because of my strange habit of hating make-up and dresses (I prefer boy's clothes).

First Instance of Magic: I started school when I was 7 and had trouble with the English language as I'm not a native English person. When my teacher told me to spell the word "zebra". I accidentally spelled it wrong and got punished. I remembered being extremely frustrated, and then suddenly, my eyes got red and everything went dark. I woke up on my bed with my mom beside me, saying that my teacher somehow took off into the air and flew out of the class, mysteriously disappearing without a trace.
Other instances were when my book flipped its pages by itself when I stared at it and my lamp lit up by itself when I laughed (which I rarely do).