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Dibyarup James Roycewell
10 Jun 2012
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
30,1 cm blackthorn wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: I have light blue eyes, dark hair, a sharp nose and a squarish face. My jawline is sharp, I have a lean physique, a decent amount of muscle, but I am not too strong physically.

Mental Description: I am reserved, and speak to the point. I do not speak unless spoken to, and I always ensure that I get my point across. I am a perfectionist with whatever I do, and do not appreciate inconsistencies in my work or the work of my teammates. I always keep my working space clean and clutter-free, otherwise I tend to procrastinate.

Biography: My father is a half-blood wizard and my mother is a pure-blood wizard. My paternal grandmother is a Muggle and my paternal grandfather is a pure-blood wizard. My father's childhood home was in muggle London, since my paternal grandfather decided to live with his wife, because my paternal great-grandparents didn't accept his marriage with a muggle. Therefore, my father had muggle friends growing up. And when he started a family with my mother, my mother moved in with him in his family home in muggle London, and then they had my siblings and me.

I have 2 siblings, a brother and a sister, both are already at Hogwarts, in Gryffindor. My father is an Auror and my mother is a Mediwizard. I used to live in London with my family, and had my early schooling in a muggle school, until I received my Hogwarts Acceptance Letter. I have many friends in the muggle world, and we lead a rather simple life among the muggles, since my father has so many muggle friends from his childhood, but he also didn't want to reveal his wizarding heritage to them. The only wizards I have known beyond my family include my childhood best friend Olivia and her family. I met Olivia when I was visiting Godric's Hollow at the age of 6, for a one-month-long trip during my father's school friend's wedding.

First Instance of Magic: I was too young to remember it. I had just turned 2 years old a few months before the incident. My parents say it was when I was throwing a tantrum and I made a glass of water fly across the room, which ended up smashing the television (a muggle device where we can watch movies, plays and other shows).