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Ruby Montgomery
12 Dec 2011
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
31,0 cm chestnut wood and troll tail hair
Physical Description: I have hair that has been dyed white, which gives it a unique and distinctive look. My eyes are a striking shade of icy blue, which adds to the overall impression of my appearance. My skin is pale, which further accentuates the contrast between My hair and eye colour.

Mental Description: I experience challenges with learning and may require additional support or accommodations to fully participate and succeed in academic settings.

Biography: I come from a unique family background - my dad and mom are muggles, making me muggle born. I have three younger siblings - two brothers named Josh and Charlie, and a little sister named Ava.

In terms of my social circle, I have eight friends who are all very dear to me. Interestingly enough, two of them are also muggles like my dad. However, they are aware of my magical abilities and I trust them to keep it a secret, as I wouldn't want to risk exposing the wizarding world to the non-magical community.

I lived in the suburbs of london

First Instance of Magic: One morning, while I was enjoying my breakfast, I noticed an unusual occurrence. All of a sudden, the chairs and the milk started to levitate around me. I was surprised and curious about what was happening. It was very strange. Then I got the acceptance letter from Hogwarts and I was overjoyed to know I am a witch