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Kathryn McConnell
14 May 2012
Dublin, Ireland
First year, Slytherin
24,4 cm acacia wood and dragon heartstring
Description: Kathryn "Kate" McConnell is rather tall for her age, sitting slightly above 5'. She has long, dark brown hair that rests above her chest. Her hair, eyes, eyelashes, and eyebrows are the color of dark, rich mahogany. Since she is muggle-born, her teeth are primed and ready for braces in the coming year. She has a decently large gap between her two front teeth, and a couple that need to be straightened. Her legs are much longer than the rest of her body, and lead to her being clumsy from time-to-time.

Personality: Kate is very intelligent, driven, and mature for her age. Since she is muggle-born to very metropolitan parents, Kate has unique interests. She grew up listening to nothing but jazz and classical music, as well as watching nothing but old films. She has been taking voice and piano lessons for many years, and loves to perform. In her muggle school, she adored science and anything to do with space and medicine. She loves fashion and vintage clothing, and therefore is always dressed well. However, Kate struggled very often in her upbringing. She often finds herself incredibly anxious with the tasks of today and tomorrow- to the point they keep her up at night. She very frequently escapes into books, journaling, and music as a way to cope with loneliness. Her top priorities are doing extremely well in school, being involved in clubs, taking on leadership roles, and making close friends.

Background: Kate grew up an only child in a household where she was treated like an adult for most of her life, both good and bad. This led to her becoming very mature and self-sufficient at a young age, as well as very lonely and secretive from her family. Her parents had extremely high expectations for her education and future, and therefore she had attended private school for her entire life. She developed many close friendships with the children in her class, as they all had attended the same schools for as long as they could remember- even their parents were close friends. When her letter from Hogwarts came, it was a complete shock. Her parents seemed to think the letter almost a hoax, until they saw the owl that had delivered it. They were very resistant to the idea, until they learned it was the best wizarding school in the world. As scary as it may have seemed, Kate had always felt that something was missing, and couldn't wait to leave home begin her new life.

First Instance of Magic: Around her 9th birthday, Kate had turned in an assignment at school that she had felt was truly A-worthy. However, two other students in the class had secretly copied her work, unbeknownst to her. Kate and her parents, as well as the other two students and their parents, were called into a meeting to discuss the instance of cheating. After being accused of being the ringleader of the bunch, the principal pulled out all three papers to compare them with the parents. Kate began to feel a white-hot anger that would often occur when her integrity was being questioned. However, this time, Kate felt the heat more intensely than ever, and before anyone had the chance to examine the papers, all three burst into flames. Kate was taken aback, questioning what had happened. The adults in the room, although completely fine, were in shock- looking at the principal with her eyebrows still smoking. Although they all agreed that the burst of flame must have occurred from the dryness of the paper, and the space heater under the principal's desk, the other two children were never allowed to have playdates with Kate again- and the principal would never meet her eyes for the remainder of her time at private school.