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Brendan Cavanaugh
29 Jul 2012
Newbridge, Ireland
First year, Hufflepuff
35,7 cm blackthorn wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: The hair is actualy brown, but he color it like a Muggler, cuz its the only thing he knows about hes dad. His eyes deep blue and the face is small. He is high for his age, is allready 157, and are stille growing. He has a birthmark on te left shoulder with looks like a dragon og a pinguin he never can deside what it looks like. The hair are short, but he has hair going down his eyes if it is not put out under the right side. Normaly he uses glasses but he hates them, there for he uses contcat linses if he remember. Sometimes he forget to take a contact linse out so his eyes will be red from irrataion

Mental Description: If yoy se Brendan you will se a boy who is nice but very shy. He never had really good friends, and there for i is trying his best to get some. But when have to talk often it comes out in a stutter. He is a very open person when you get to know him, and he vill be a great freidn. He loves to help other,but forgets to take care of his own problems. Even if he try to talk to people, i feels awkward han thinks he have said something very stupid.

Biography: When Brendan was born have his father allready left his mother. It was a chok for everbody cuz they should had been maried. His grandparents had said some bad things about his father cuz they have paid for the wedding. Brendan's mother told them she would pay them back some day.
But actualy they was furios at her for not holding af man like always. They cut her of and would never speak to her again. His mother have never talked to them since. The only time Brendan had seen them is on a picture of them and his dad. He always think *They look happy, Maybe mother will be that on day again* Everytime he look at the picturet he gets a warm feeling, and hope that he some day will find that blond hair guy there was his fater. Just to get closer to him he dye's his hair, he really dont like the brown hair he has under that hair dye.
His mother are poor but will do anything for Brendan, if she has to tak 3 jobs to get the food on the table or buy school stuff when Brendan starts at Hogewarts she will do it, and even if she is tired, that is just something she never show to no one. Because his mother are poor and don't have a lot of money, they live in a little muggler apartment where nobody could see the magic she casts inside the home. She is trying to forget about the rich life and that man she loved. Why his mother always buy him hairdye he don't know, maybe because she wants Brendan to look like his father. Even thoug his mother and father are Purebloods his mother do not talk to her rich family. Often Brendan ask about her early life and the house where there even where a house elf.

First Instance of Magic: Brendan was 9 and had ever showed that he could do magic. Actualy his mother thougt he was non magic child. But one day him and his mother had to go to Diagon Ally,he saw a cat and pointed at it and said it looked cute, and that he wanted one. And befor he knew it the cat liftet op from the ground and fly over to him. He was stille pointing at the cat even when it was right in his eye sight. The curios child took a hand forward to pet the cat, only for at the magic desapired and the cat acedently put a claw in his face because it was scared. His mother from that moment of new he was a child of magic, and his life would change.