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Lilyanna Delium
18 Aug 2012
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
29,5 cm spruce wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description: Lilyanna Delium has blue eyes and brown hair. She’s a young Caucasian female who is considered to be very beautiful. Many boys in her school have asked her out, but failed, as she was not interested in them, and too scared to talk to them as well. Her hair is extremely long and wavy and goes past her but (only slightly though).

Back Story: Lilyanna Delium was born into the Delium family by George Delium (né Carter-he took his wife’s last name) and Maria Delium. Both of them were muggles. George was a banker, and Maria an oncologist, someone who treats cancer. They both brought in a good amount of money (mostly Maria), which made the family decently wealthy. Lilyanna was raised as an only child, and still is. She was particularly close to her mother, and got closer after her parents divorced, leaving Lilyanna with her mother. This occurred when she was three, so she was too young to understand. Lilyanna has no clue how many step-siblings she has, but she guesses at least on.

Mental Description: When she was very young, Lilyanna was diagnosed with social anxiety, and has a lot of trouble socializing and communicating with other’s. And while it’s difficult, she always tries her best. She will also answer to Lily. She is extremely smart, and loves reading. Lily doesn’t like loud noises and likes being alone. Lilyanna loves drawing, and is great at it. She also has a soft spot for animals, especially marine ones. She doesn’t like short clothes (crop tops, short skirts).

School (pre-Hogwarts): Lily was a bright little girl. She was also extremely shy, and as I mentioned has an anxiety disorder that revolves around speaking. Which means, she never really talked, leading to not that many friends. She had one, but even then, they never really talked. Lily’s friend was a girl named Rose. They met because a boy in their class was begging Lily to come to his house, and, well, Lily couldn’t respond. So Rose stepped in and told the boy to go away. She told Lily that she had noticed Lily’s absence of friends. This lead to a small friendship. That ended after Lily went to Hogwarts. She still misses Rose, who was the only one that understood, but knew she had to move on. And, hey, they could see each other in the summer.

Biography: Since Lily was a muggle-born, magic wasn’t involved in her life before Hogwarts. However, she always knew something was different. She never really had any friends, but didn’t mind, as she prefers the quiet most of the time. Every year, she would graduate as top of her class. But since she was in elementary school, the school couldn’t move her up any grades.

First Instance of Magic: Her first instance of magic was when she was four. Lily had seen a cat up in a tree, and desperately wanted to help it. She couldn’t reach, and knew she wouldn’t be able to get help. Lily got sad, and the cat suddenly floated down from the tree into Lily’s arms. She was obviously shocked, but kept this incident to herself.