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Meluna Ravenwisp
07 Aug 2012
Stirling, Scotland
First year, Ravenclaw
34,4 cm walnut wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Meluna is a Halfblood female. Her pale skin proves she doesn't do very many outdoor activities. Because if her upbringing with her father, Meluna was introduced to the idea of makeup and eye color contacts to improve and change her looks. She uses hair dye to dye her hair purple with magenta streaks in it. The contacts she uses change her eyes Magenta as well. She keeps a special pair of contacts that her father sends her to make sure she's not using old contacts that could hurt her eyes. She wears medium amounts of makeup and pencils raven wings on the outer corners of her eyes. She doesn't seem to wear anything other than a black corset with a tailored button up jacket and skin tight pants with black low heel boots. She liked to curl her hair in thick spirals, a look her mother adores on her. She keeps a wooden raven shaped whistle with her that she keeps on her wrist or in her pocket.

Mental Description: Meluna is a sweet girl, humbled during her younger years with her mother. She has a likeness for animals and enjoys chatting about anything related to Mythical Creatures. Meluna is a determined girl, aiming to please her superiors doing almost anything. She has a nasty habit of utilizing manipulative tactics to get what she wants but she does try to make it worth while. Meluna doesn't seek popularity but she does seek out acknowledgement for the good deeds she does. Meluna spends a lot of her time reading books about Aurors. Something about their sense of justice brings Meluna a peace she didn't feel she had when her parents divorced. She also enjoys walks in the wilderness and won't miss a chance to learn something about Mythical Creatures.

Biography: Meluna grew up in two households. Before her parents divorce, they lived in a moderate home in the States when her mother worked a day job as a store clerk and her father studied for his work-at the time- which Meluna had been told was a secret and they wouldn't let her in on the truth. Between the ages of 4-6 years old, her parents seemed to fight on the subject of her fathers work and the only things Meluna could understand were "Secret service" and "odd jobs" so Meluna came up with her own explanation: Her father volunteered and he just didn't want her to know about it. When her parents divorced, Meluna was distraught on the idea that her father planned to move out to Stirling, Scotland. As a keepsake, her father gifted her a Raven whistle which he placed around her neck before he left her and her mother to fend for themselves. It become a trade off-Summers with her father and school months with her mother. Her mother kept her on track with her grades, they spent time together, even, unlike time with her father. When she was with her father, he rarely paid much attention to her. They would see each other in the morning and he would kiss her head goodbye before leaving to go to work. He lived in a small house, smaller than her home in the states. What she liked however was the open countryside. Her father kept a few horses that Meluna rode in the open pastures while her father was away and took care of them when he didn't return home for a few nights at a time. Time with her horses allowed her to come to a realization that she loved animals. She didn't have dogs or cats at home but she always thought it peculiar that an owl lived in the barn but she was sure it wasn't a Barn Owl species. Her father explained that he had tamed the bird and nursed him to health. He's remained around the barn since then. Coming and going when he pleased.

First Instance of Magic: At age ten, during an evening when her father has come home and Meluna had put a pot of water on the stove to make soup for the two of them, they had plunged neck deep into an argument about her fathers work. Meluna had called her mother hours before and she had taken her mothers advice to pry at her father for details of his work. She had sat down at the table with a cup of chamomile tea and she gripped the cup furiously as she yelled at her father, cursing him and screaming that he explain his long time secrets. What secrets could be so important that he needed to keep it from her. She had found books in his closet that day that she didn't understand and pictures of people she had never met. Why...why keep her in the dark. During such an argument, Meluna only seemed to remember spewing how much she hated him and his eyes glanced down at her hands gripping the teacup. When she noticed his eyes widen after the last thing she had told him was that she wanted to go home to her mother, the last thing she expected to see was a hot pink, slightly misshapen teacup in her hands with boiling liquid. They stared at the teacup for a long while before her father managed a few quiet words. "I need to call your mother." Something he never said because he always told Meluna she needed to call her mother. Meluna sat in her seat holding the misshapen cup as her father called her mother to explain things. She didn't know how to feel and what to do. Father seemed so calm when he sat down with her after he hung up the phone. "It's time you know." He said and began to explain.