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Stephanie Daly
09 Apr 2012
Gateshead, England
First year, Hufflepuff
29,6 cm beech wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Steph has always held a wild appearance. Mousy brown hair fell in messy curls to her shoulders, and her fair skin was warmed by the sun. Her eyes were dark blue-brown, and though short, she had a sturdy build. She was, in all other aspects, ordinary.

Mental Description: Uncaring and absent in a world of severity and cruelty, Steph seeks only to find peace and freedom amongst the seeming purposelessness of the mundane. She finds joy in friends and jokes and dreams and love, and is dismissive of discipline and commitment, at her worst being thoughtless and insolent.

Biography: Stephanie Daly was born to John Paul Daly and Maria Strand, a half-blood by her Muggle paternal grandfather. She would go on to become the older sister of five and took on the responsibility of caring and watching out for her younger siblings. Thanks to a dedicated primary school teacher, Steph spent much of her childhood reading and dreaming of fantastic stories. To escape her crowded home she explored the moors and forests surrounding her. Immersed for her whole life in the magical world, Steph developed a love for the curious long before she first experienced magic for herself.

First Instance of Magic: It occurred shortly before her seventh birthday. In a heated argument with her mother, Steph hid underneath her bed's blankets to momentarily hide. Her mother tried to yank the blankets off but found them heavier than concrete, and impossible to lift. Unfortunately for Steph, the sensation lasted only a second.