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Clara Rogers
Wizard born
19 Mar 2012
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
25,8 cm cherry wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: My character has long, silky smooth brown hair, black eyes, brown skin. She is 4 feet 8 inches. She likes wearing colourful clothes. She has one ear piercing on each ear (both ears have 1 piercing). She is a bit fit because if her family's love in athletics.
Mental Description: My character is bubbly, kind, adventurous and brave. She never backs down from a challenge. She enjoys Quidditch and she plays as a chaser for a team in her community. She is very competitive but she knows that it's only a game and she never gets sour over losing.
Biography: She is from a wealthy well known wizarding family in a wizarding community in London. My character has 2 older sisters who are already students at Hogwarts,Her mother (Morgana)is a healer. Her father (James) is a dragon trainer Aka a
dragonologist. My character has 3 friends in the wizarding world (Samuel, Scot, Lisa and Scarlet) who unfortunately didn't get accepted at Hogwarts. She lives in a 2 storey manor. The manor has a pool and a golf course. She had a private tutor and a lot of house elves.
First Instance of Magic: it happened before my character's 11th birthday, she was playing golf with her sisters when the golf ball unexpectedly and unintendedly started floating in the air.