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Katherine Knightley
19 May 2012
Leicester, England
First year, Ravenclaw
25,8 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Katherine is pretty short, being just 4'8 she hopes she will get quite a bit taller before she eventually stops growing. Adorned with long, curly, fierce red hair and light green eyes. She also has quite a pale skin tone and some freckles dotted across her nose, all in all Katherine is a naturally beautiful young girl that will grow to be an astounding woman.

Mental Description: Katherine is someone who likes being around people, though she does not trust easily and prefers a smaller circle of friends over a large group of friends and popularity. Most people think Katherine only cares about fashion and about the way she looks and call her an air-head, but she is actually quite intelligent.

Biography: Katherine grew up in foster care, her father who had been a muggle-born had died in a car accident when she was a baby. Unfortunately no one had been able to locate her mother, who is a pureblood. Katherine's mother had been in a very short and secret relationship with her father, that her parents had not approved of due to his status as a muggle-born. That is also why they had forced her to give up her baby, and she did so, leaving Katherine with her father in the muggle world. And, if not for her father dying, she would have gronw up knowing about magic. Unfortunately that was not to be, instead she grew up in foster care with muggles who didn't know a thing about magic. Foster care had not been too horrible, she did get moved around a lot between differen foster homes though, which was not the healthiest for a young child. Some of the foster families also cared more about the money they could get due to having a foster child than about Katherine herself, but some of the homes were great though. The foster home Katherine is in now, and has been in since she was seven, has been the best. It feels like a real family, but by now katherine has given up hope of ever being adopted.

First Instance of Magic: Katherine's first instance of magic was when she was five years old, it was while she was living with her previous foster family. In this home she also had to live with an older foster brother and he was quite annoying, always messing with her. One day Katherine had had enough, and her magic lashed out by making a glass of milk shatter during dinner. Luckily no one had gotten hurt, but her foster family was terrified and sent her packing, which hurt her at the time but it meant she ended up with the family she has now and that made her happy.