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James Powell
Wizard born
02 Oct 2011
Oxford, England
First year, Gryffindor
22,2 cm redwood and phoenix feather
Physical Description:
James stands at a height of 5 feet, showing signs of a healthy and active lifestyle. His dark brown hair cascades in gentle waves, lending a touch of grace to his youthful appeal. His hazel eyes, shining with curiosity.

Mental Description:
James is a curious and hopeful young wizard, with a sharp mind that goes beyond his years. He has a true passion for learning and is excited to delve into the mysteries of the magical realm. His friendly nature shines through, as he values companionship and cherishes the positive experiences on his magical adventure.

James comes from a respected family of pure-blood wizards and grew up surrounded by their ancestral magical traditions. His home is filled with ancient spells and fascinating magical artifacts.

His childhood was a mixture of learning about pureblood ideals and exploring the wonders of magic. James was trained in magical knowledge passed down through generations from family members and teachers.

First Instance of Magic:
James was nine years old when he had his birthday party with his wizard family in England, and was gifted a silly hat from his aunt, and he loved it. After his party, James was strolling on the streets nearby and met some older kids who started to make fun of him for wearing a silly hat. For James, embarrassment and frustration were powerful forces to reckon with.

James did not know that his feelings were causing strange and marvelous things. The children were playing on the ground which suddenly began to vibrate and ripple like water. Like a magical trampoline, it launched the bullies into the air, but they landed safely, more surprised than harmed. The air was filled with laughter, and the children who had laughed at it actually found themselves briefly floating.

Speechless, James just stood there taking in the chaos that he had unwittingly caused. He felt frustration, embarrassment, and then pure surprise.

James’ parents were promptly informed and hurried over in elation and apprehension, respectively. After the initial hysterics, it became clear that their son possessed magical ability just like themselves. Thus began James’ magical education, and soon it was all the talk of the Oxford wizarding world.