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Kaitlyn Connor
05 Dec 2011
Redford, England
Second year, Slytherin
28,3 cm chestnut wood and unicorn hair
Nickname: Katie

iNPC: Devon Wallen

Physical Description:
Kaitlyn stands at 4 ft 11 in in height. Her skin tone is white with a light tan. She has brunette hair that reaches a little past her shoulders. Her hair is typically worn in a ponytail held in place with a green ribbon. Sometimes, she likes to style it in French braids or pigtails. Her ears are pieced once in the earlobe. The earrings she wears can vary, but she likes to wear a set of tulip earrings she made herself. She wears very little makeup, preferring to stay as natural as possible. The only makeup she could wear on special occasions would be a light coat of lipgloss and painting her fingernails and toenails. Her body, while still growing, is athletically built. She has freckles around her nose and cheeks.

Kaitlyn’s outfit consists of the school robes, when attending class. After dinner, she changes into a blouse, a black pleated skirt, and flats or black sandals. She wears a pink tank top, a white skort, and black running shoes when running. The color of her outfits could vary, not preferring one color to another.

Mental Description:
Kaitlyn is quiet and attempts to stay away from crowds of students. She is more talkative and expressive around her friends. Being a muggle-born, she has been overwhelmed by this new world of magic. Yet, she yearns to learn more about magic and can be found with a book. Either studying one of the many subjects at Hogwarts or simply reading for fun. She desires to learn as much as she possibly can.
As such, Katie likes to spend time in the Common Room or the library. She works diligently and strives to hand in her assignments with a high level of perfection. In trying to complete her work the way she wants, she is constantly spending a lot longer to keep her work to her high standard. She is an overachiever in her work, wanting everything to be perfect while trying to better herself. This also makes her take on more than she can handle since she has trouble saying "no." She suffers from anxiety and dreads exams. While she should do well on them, she is bad with time constraints and often finds herself rushing through them, especially when she sees her classmates finish before her. Due to the constant stress she internalizes, she regularly suffers from panic attacks.
Katie starts her day by running at 6 in the morning. By 6:30, she is meditating and practicing yoga. By 7, she is back in the common room, practicing dancing. Then, by 7:30, as her housemates rise for the day, Katie finally takes a shower to transition to the day ahead. On the weekends, she likes to find an empty classroom to meditate and dance for longer.
After overcoming her initial shyness, Katie is friendly and enjoys getting to know her classmates. Despite this, she can be awkward in conversation. She does her best to help her friends and has difficulty telling them "no." Katie is a loyal friend with a strong sense of right or wrong. She is confident enough in her baking to share whatever she makes with her friends. Despite liking to bake, she tries her best to eat as healthy as possible. She also likes to gift some of the earrings that she makes, as well. With her drawings, she is not as confident with them, and she wants anything she draws to be perfect before showing it to anyone else. She likes manicures and pedicures and offers to do them for her friends, as well. 

Katie is organized and keeps all of her supplies in meticulous order to a fault. If anything is even just moved out of place, she will be completely unable to get her work done. She is a rule follower but understands that there may be times she has to break them.

Kaitlyn was born to Marcus and Emily Connor as a twin with Abigail. Two years later, her younger brother, Tim, was born. The family lived as muggles in London, and she had been sent to receive a traditional muggle education. Growing up, she got along well with Abigail and with Tim. She was naturally quieter and enjoyed reading books once she could read.

When they came to age, Katie and Abby were sent to an all-girls Catholic boarding school. While at the boarding school, Katie liked to learn new things and would constantly hang around the library to read more books. But weird things began to happen around her. Books randomly levitating, flying in and out of bookshelves.

At their eleventh birthday, Katie and Abby received their Hogwarts letters. Their parents were concerned about the strange happenings around the two girls by this point. But, after the meeting with the Headmaster, everything was explained, and they could enroll in Hogwarts (Tim would follow suit two years later).

Katie came out as gay before leaving the boarding school. When she told her family, her mother and father reacted mutedly and never brought the issue up before she left for Hogwarts. Abby already knew by the time Katie admitted it. When she told her friends, one friend she had since transferring to the school refused to look at her the same way again. But she still regularly writes to her best friends from the school, wanting to stay in touch.

First Instance of Magic:
Kaitlyn was sitting in the library of her private all-girls Catholic boarding school (St. Ann's). She was near the back of the library, by herself, surrounded by tomes of books. It was like heaven to her. It was near closing time, so the librarian was in her office for now. As she was working cataloging a shelf, a book in the bookcase behind her suddenly fell from the shelf. She frowned and went to pick it up. A book from a different bookshelf fell out. With a sigh, she went to pick up that second book when half of a different bookshelf completely fell out.

Katie leaped back in a panic. She looked up, noticing the librarian had not left her office. She shook her head. ‘I must be dreaming. I am tired, after all. I must not have put the books on the shelf correctly,’ she thought. Sighing once again, she went to clean up her mess.