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Lauren Blackheart
25 Sep 2011
Bristol, England
First year, Gryffindor
28,9 cm cedar wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Lauren is short and small, she has dark colored eyes and she has Red hair and has a round face. Lauren doesn't have any freckles on her face or anything to point out.

Mental Description: Lauren is pretty calm in most situations but when she has a disagreement she usually tries to settle it but it doesn't always work out the way she wants it to and she gets puzzled on what to do. For the most part Lauren is pretty rational she is only irrational when someone is really mean to her.

Biography: Pre-Hogwarts she was in muggle school from the ages 4-10 and she wasn't very popular at all she had some friends but she didn't have too many friends she has a few close friends but that was about it. Her family life she was very close to her parents especially her father they had a bond nobody could break she has had a special bond with him since the age of about 5 or 6 and her mother she could talk to her and come to her with just about anything. Her family had a tight bond with each other.

First Instance of Magic: Lauren was about around the age of almost 11 when this happened this also happened in England. She had fallen from her family tree-house and she got no cut from the fall she was crying because she thought she hurt herself but her father saw no blood or cut or bruise to indicate that she had fallen there was nothing to indicate anything they were both confused and she was crying like she was in pain but nothing happened to her at all. Her mother had got the first aid kit because of the fall but she didn't need it and within seconds Lauren was back to her normal self playing and she was confused and her parents knew what happened but Lauren was confused. Her parents were frightened at first but then they caught on and the rest of the day seemed to get odd because of this accidental magic thing.