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Ryann Tsistinas
24 Dec 2011
Little Whinging, England
First year, Hufflepuff
29,7 cm walnut wood and dragon heartstring
(pfp picture is not mine i used google for this
and the moodbourd was made for me!)
Physical Description:[/b)
short blonde hair, is a bit short, emerald, green eyes, fair skin, when not in her uniform she wears a t-shirt and jeans her hair in a ponytail. she has a skinny build

Mental Description:
she is a happy, playful, bubbly girl who loves books and friends, when she's not with her friends she's reading in the library or helping around Hogwarts. or helping people, or studying, her calm place is a garden filled with normal flowers, planting different flowers there or reading, or having a picnic, or chasing her friends that pranked her, also she lovessss the trumpet one of the odd things her siblings found in muggle studys and let her have.

she lives with her twin older siblings Renee and Alex who are currently 18 and they are her current guardians, before than there aunt Stacy lived with them in England in a fairly big house after her parents died, they all ways went on some sort of adventure as a family and Ryann loved that, she would spend as much time as possible, but she gets frustrated after she gets pranked by them but ends up pranking them back. but helps clean up. she would spend hours with Nabors helping them in any way she can, and she gets normal grades

First Instance of Magic:
Ryann was being teased by her bully in school (she didn't want to be homeschooled) when she was 9, she was feeling anger from being teased. when the bully’s hair turned from long and black to short and pink, the girl ran away scared from her. when her siblings found out they laughed being proud of Ryann thinking it was a prank and she did it on purpose when she didn’t but she shrugged it off.