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Amelia Romanoff
20 May 2012
Oxford, England
First year, Slytherin
29,7 cm cherry wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description:
Amelia is a young witch with a fair complexion and captivating brown eyes. Her dark brown hair cascades in loose waves, framing her face with a touch of elegance. She possesses a graceful presence and carries herself with confidence, reflecting her poised demeanour.

Mental Description:
Amelia is characterized by her unwavering determination and insatiable curiosity. She has an innate thirst for knowledge, constantly seeking to expand her understanding of the magical world. With a compassionate heart, she treats others with kindness and strives to create a harmonious and inclusive environment. Amelia's strong sense of justice fuels her desire to make a positive impact on the wizarding community.

Born into a family deeply rooted in magical traditions, Amelia's upbringing was steeped in the wonders of the wizarding world. Her parents, skilled wizards themselves, instilled in her a profound respect for magic and its responsibilities. Surrounded by ancient tomes and enchanted artefacts, Amelia's childhood was a blend of love and learning, fostering her deep connection to the magical arts.

First Instance of Magic:
Amelia's first instance of accidental underaged wandless magic occurred when she was ten years old. One sunny afternoon, while exploring the woods near her family's estate, Amelia found herself fascinated by the graceful dance of butterflies. As she reached out to touch one, a gentle breeze enveloped her, lifting her off the ground for a moment before gently setting her back down. Astonished yet unharmed, Amelia realized the extent of her magical abilities and the incredible journey that awaited her at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Amelia Romanoff embodies the qualities of a determined and inquisitive young witch, ready to embark on her magical journey at Hogwarts. With her thirst for knowledge, compassionate nature, and growing magical prowess, she is poised to make a lasting impact within the wizarding community.