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Louis Russell
05 Aug 2012
Ferryhill, England
First year, Hufflepuff
27,7 cm willow wood and dragon heartstring
Louis is a sprightly boy with an infectious smile that rarely leaves his face. Standing a bit shorter than his peers, he has a lean build, with a mop of unruly chestnut hair that seems to defy all attempts at taming. His eyes, a deep hazel, are often alight with curiosity and mischief. He moves with a kind of unrefined grace, typical of a child still growing into his limbs. Louis is usually seen in clothes that are slightly worn but clean, bearing evidence of his penchant for exploring and a few magical mishaps.
Louis is known for his boundless curiosity and creativity. He has an innate ability to see the magic in the mundane, a trait that endears him to both his magical and non-magical relatives. Despite his youth, Louis displays a maturity beyond his years, often showing empathy and understanding towards others. He's a natural problem-solver, always eager to help, which sometimes leads him into trouble due to his adventurous spirit. However, his determination and resilience often help him navigate challenges. Louis is also quick-witted and enjoys a good laugh, making him popular among his peers.
Louis was born to a wizard father and a muggle mother, growing up in a small, cozy house on the outskirts of a village in the English countryside. His early life was a blend of both magical and non-magical worlds. His father, a gentle man with a deep love for magical creatures, worked at the Ministry of Magic, while his mother, a talented artist, introduced Louis to the beauty of the muggle world.
Louis grew up surrounded by love and laughter. He spent much of his time exploring the fields and forests near his home, often accompanied by his childhood friend, Emma, a muggle girl from the village. Together, they embarked on numerous 'adventures', fueling Louis's imagination and love for the outdoors.
His parents were careful to balance his exposure to both worlds, ensuring that Louis grew up with an appreciation and understanding of his unique heritage. He was homeschooled by his mother, learning both muggle and magical histories, basic maths, and literature.
Louis's family is a tapestry of different backgrounds. His father's side is predominantly magical, with relatives working in various capacities within the wizarding world. His mother's side is entirely muggle, offering Louis a grounded perspective on life outside of magic. This mix has given Louis a well-rounded view of the world and a deep respect for both sides of his heritage.
Louis's first encounter with magic was both spectacular and startling. At the age of seven, during a family picnic, he inadvertently levitated his favorite toy – a small wooden airplane – high into the air. The incident occurred when Louis, frustrated after the toy landed in a tree, focused intensely on retrieving it. To the shock of his family, the airplane not only dislodged from the tree but began to soar around them as if piloted by an unseen hand. This moment of accidental, wandless magic was a clear sign of Louis's innate magical ability and a memorable introduction to the wonders and responsibilities of his magical lineage.