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Haven Evans
17 Sep 2011
London, England
First year, Slytherin
29,2 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
She is four three (4,3) and she has a haircut about a bit shorter than her shoulders. Her hair is naturally brown and has a tint of hazel. She is Muggle born, she is a mix of Scottish, and English. She is white with freckles like a raccoons mask across her face. On her arm you can see a Dexcom from her type one diabetes

She has developed resilience, confidence, and strength through her diabetes (Diagnosed at 7). She is a kind girl who seems like an open book but puts up a wall between her and everyone not wanting to be taken advantage of. She is a risk taker that will ask for an apology later. She is cunning, strategic, smart, and creative.

As a family of five she has one older sister and one younger brother who both muggles. She is glad that she is the only wizard in the family because then nobody expects her to be like them and she is a ghost in the family anyways

She was just 9 years old and was in school, and that day she was having a bad morning from arguing with her mom again about her diabetes and grades. So that day she had gotten into a fight and she had mixed feelings of anger and she was scared and she had accidentally set off a fire and the sprinkler system turned on and it was a big mess