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Roman Ashenvale
22 May 2012
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
32,4 cm mayhaw wood and troll tail hair
Appearance: Roman Ashenvale is a 135 centimeter boy with dirty blonde hair that is very ruffled. He's got light tan skin and round glasses. His nose is somewhat larger that an average nose and his face is rather round.

Personality: Roman Ashenvale is a very hard-working and trustful boy, very willing to help others and interact though he's always nervous. He's very extroverted and is always willing to make new friends and is very honest and honorable. He is always willing to explore and learn, in fact he rather enjoys it. He's very willing to help others when need be.

Biography: Roman Ashenvale is a child born to two muggles, Thomas and Becky Ashenvale. Roman's time outside of wizarding is mostly filled with playing video games, writing his own stories and drawing and colouring. His parents are kind but will not let bad behavior go unpunished. Roman's father Thomas works as a mechanic at a garage deeper in London and his mother Becky mostly is a stay-at-home mother. Roman spends his time playing video games and helping his mother clean up the house when not at Elementary School. He's a very intuitive child, being able to tell different shades of colours easily and did not even need to go to preschool. Neither of his parents have any real known magical ancestory save a tale from his mother's side of an ancestor from the 1600s. But that's only just a tale from long ago that is barely even known. When at Elementary Roman is known for finishing his work incredibly fast and even getting really high grades, and spends most of his time day-dreaming or chewing on his pencil due to being bored and having already finished his work. He's known to be a quick learner and his parents love showing him old cartoons and movies for fun. Roman does have a younger brother named Sean, but he's only about 6 years old and the most that can be said about him is that he's very picky.

First Instance of Magic: At about four years old Roman was playing a game in the living room and was having a tonne of fun. However, soon his father came over and told him it was bath time and Roman didn't want to due to enjoying his game so much. His father didn't allow him to continue as he took the controller from his hand and pulled him to the bathroom while Roman was kicking and screaming. When he was put into the bathroom with the bathtub ready he was extremely angry, and when he first put his foot on the water it instantly froze. Roman began screaming as he tried to pull his foot from the water, and his father came in to see what was wrong. Nobody understood what happened, it was like there was no explanation. His parents spent the rest of the day trying to melt the frozen water while Roman was trapped to his room.