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Wren Mornstern
01 Mar 2012
London, England
Second year, Quidditch player, Gryffindor
25,1 cm cherry wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: Round face, long wavy black hair, plumper lips, flawless skin. She is quite small for her age about 4'6. Her ears are pointed at the tip and she has full heterochromia (one eye is brown and the other green)

Mental Description: She tends to keep to her self and is quite shy at times. If she feels close to you she can be kind of a free spirit, full of bubbles and extremely sassy. She is also not afraid to speak her mind. She also quite childish due to her lack of communication with society from an early age and can be quite innocent at times. Wren also doesn't know how to express her strong emotions so her brother (Benjamín) taught her sign language that he had learned from his late deaf mother.

Biography: Wren is the bastard daughter of Georg Mornstern and Sienna Blackbeard (nee Thompson). The two of her parents met at a tavern where Sienna worked, Georg had been out drinking after an argument with his father and snapped at Sadie. They had some relations and went their separate ways leaving Sienna pregnant with Wren without Georg's knowledge. Sienna's parents eventually found out that she was with child and kicked her out, stripping her of her inheritance. Sienna eventually met this sailor with a child of his own, who had blew all his money on a ship. They fell in love and eloped having Wren three months later. Wren spent her early years on board the ship, the family didn't have much but she was happy. As a child she enjoyed running around or dancing with her older brother (Benjamin). Eventually Benjamin came of age he went off to Hogwarts. In her older brother's 7th year he and their parents had an agrument and after he graduated he disappeared but not before sending Wren a letter saying i'll come back for you. She waited years for his return but he never came back. She eventually came to terms with is disappearance and became some what happy again. Until disaster struck the ship she had lived on her entire life sprung a leak most likely from the condition of the ship. Her mother and stepfather used some magic to get them to the nearest port, where they were discover by locals. The locals seeing the awful state of the girl contacted the authorities. She was later taken from her parents as the authorities saw that her parents were not in a state to take care of her much less themselves. She was taken to St.Mungo's where they contacted her brother but he wasn't in the spot to take care of her and her mother's parents wanted nothing to do with her. there for after some testing at St.Mungo's they discover that George is the only other relative.

First Instance of Magic: Wren had been around 5 at the time this happened. The waves had been particularly rocky that day and Wren
was leaning over the ship watching the sea creatures swim about. When a wave hit the ship knocking her overboard. She screamed and thrashed about in the water scared out her mind when a huge wave came and gently lifted her back on to the ship's deck.