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Lillianne Andromeda Maddox
22 Mar 2012
Irvine, England
First year, Slytherin
21,9 cm laurel wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description:
Lilianne has long flaming red hair, baby blue eyes, porcelain-pale skin, a skinny figurine, and is 5 feet 1 currently.
Mental Description:
She is sweet, partially wholesome, and polite, with a sprinkle of childlike curiosity. She also loved gardening before attending Hogwarts, and hence vowing to become a good student at Herbology. She loves to read, just like the canon character Hermione Granger, taking an attempt of reading all of the magical textbook before her very first train to Hogwarts.
Despite all that, it doesn't really stop her from having a sprinkle of a rather playful side, where she loves to play silly pranks on her close friends and close Professors.
She was raised by Jonathan and Clara Maddox, at her home. Her parents were both from pure-blood families, but was raised outside the Wizarding World. Her parents, however, did not mention about such magic or magical creatures in her presence, because they wanted to keep her away from the dangers of the Wizarding World. However, like I mentioned before, her keen mind could not keep away from her mother's hidden spellbooks, discovering the world of magic two months prior getting her Hogwarts letter. She also made many friends there, and some of her best friends too got their letter.
First Instance of Magic: She once fell off a cliff while at her trip in Spain, where she took unnecessary risks despite her parents' warnings. She fell off from a height of about eight metres, but sustained no injuries. Also, once, she touched the stems of her favourite dahlias which were then dead, and revived them back to their floral lives.