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Beatrice Woods
24 Nov 2011
Dorset, England
Second year, Gryffindor
32,0 cm chestnut wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description:
Beatrice has average length, dirty blond hair. She has grey eyes with long eyelashes. She's tall for her age. She has an ordinarily shaped nose and ears, and has always been proud of her appearance. She has a few freckles on her nose.
Mental Description:
Beatrice has always been a confident, happy and kind girl. She's always helpful when needed. She is always proud of her appearance and doesn't care or take any notice of anyone attempting to upset her.
Beatrice grew up in a very supportive home. Her mother, Sophie was always helping Beatrice with every little thing she'd ask within reason. And her father, John, was also kind and helpful.

Beatrice's sister, Alexia hadn't contacted the family since she'd left Hogwarts. This had a bad effect on Beatrice as they were very close. Alexia had sent an owl last when Beatrice was seven, but nothing since. Even though Beatrice missed her sister greatly, she didn't let it stop her from being happy as she knew it was Alexia's choice to stop contacting them.

Beatrice is a massive bookworm and loves to write her own short novels. Her books mostly revolve around living in a forest as she loved wandering through the forest in their backgarden.

They have two ragdoll cats, Penny and Poppy.

Overall, despite Alexia not sending them owls, Beatrice had a very happy childhood.
First Instance of Magic:

Beatrice was sitting by the stream in the forest behind the back of their house, playing with the rocks. There were all different kinds of rocks and Beatrice was choosing some for her new rock collection. She found some with little fossils in, one that had lots of little rocks in it and many more.

She picked up one of the ones that had a little fossil in it and as soon as it touched her fingers it levitated from her very hand, as soon as she realised what was going on the rock had began its slow descent back down to her hand.