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Winter Sol
28 Mar 2012
Northampton, England
First year, Ravenclaw
28,0 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Winter has shoulder length, dirty blond hair, with the ends dyed a neon green. They have grey eyes. They are about 4'6". While in the muggle world, they wear graphic t-shirts, ripped jeans, and sneakers.

Mental Description: Winter is very introverted, but still enjoys making friends and hanging out with those close to them. They are a bit stand-offish when they first meet people, but over time, they will warm up, and become a loyal and close friend. They enjoy reading, sitting by the lake, learning, and hanging out. Most of their time is spent in the woods hiking or sitting on the tree line.

Biography: Winter is a muggle-born, who grew up in the muggle world. They had two parents: Henry and Eileen. They also had two siblings; Aaron and Will, both younger. The family is very close, and the siblings had rarely fought, enjoying to take walks and playing board games together.

First Instance of Magic: Winter's first incidence of magic happened at the age of 3. They were swinging on the swing set on the neighborhood swing set. Theyir parents were sitting over at a nearby bench keeping an eye of WInter and their siblings. Winter, mid swing, caught sight of a flower blooming. Winter ended up causing themselves to float down back to the ground safely, down in front of the flower. Luckily, their parents had not noticed what had happened.