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Eleanor Rogers
08 Feb 2012
Glasgow, Scotland
First year, Gryffindor
33,6 cm walnut wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: Hi! I'm Eleanor! I have long ginger hair and bright green eyes. I stand at 4'9 and I wear glasses. But only in lessons!

Mental Description: When I'm around my friends, I'm very confident and I love to crack a joke. But when I'm around people I don't know or that don't like me, I'm very introverted. I'm not too keen on large crowds either. I'm smart too, but only in some instances. Im not the best at maths.

Biography: Pre-Hogwarts I had a very normal life. We live on a large estate with lots of horses in the Scottish countryside. My father died when I was young, he died doing his job, he was a magizooligist, so I've only ever known my step-dad to be my real father. I have 3 brother. 1 older, 2 younger. We get on very well. We also have horses. And before going to Hogwarts my passion was horse riding.

First Instance of Magic: My older brother and I got into a fight at the dining table. I decided to get up and shout at my brother and as I shouted, the winter robe he was wearing set on fire. It was crazy!