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Manvi Kaur
16 Nov 2011
London, England
First year, Slytherin
27,5 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring
Hey guys 👋👋
My residence is London England

~Physical Description~

*I am tall because of which my friends called me coconut tree 🌲*
*I'm tanned skin, have dark brown eyes, and Black hair*

~Mental Description~
*My mental state is good just whenever someone asks me a paragraph for them, I tell them and the paragraph is error less! Not even grammatical errors whereas if I need a paragraph and I write it myself, there are not much only 3-4 errors!*
*I am an above average student, I easily get good grades in English and other subjects (in maths I get A or B) but EVS is just not my subject and my favourite subject is English*
*I am an INFJ*

*My mother is a muggle and my father is a wizard which makes me Half-Blood!*
*My brother Kanishk is in his 3rd year and is a Slytherin. He used to tell me about Hogwarts like we can do magic, duel with someone, and make alot of friends!!*
My Father's name is James, he was a Gryffindor when he was young, and he always used to tell me and Kanishk that " Kanishk and Manvi make sure you do not use the magic in the muggle world you learn at Hogwarts, otherwise if you do so you might be expelled"!*
*My school friends were really humerous! They would tell a joke in the classroom every 2-3 hours and they're behaviour was also good*

~How I used magic by mistake~

*I was a 3 year old walking up to my brother and suddenly he threw a stuff toy towards me and without even touching it, I dodged it back to him. My parents wouldn't stop wandering (they were but a little bit laughing from inside) and my brother wouldn't stop howling*