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Ai Widlock
13 Aug 2012
Glasgow, Scotland
First year, Slytherin
22,3 cm chestnut wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: A bit short, about 4'5. Typical short hair, a bit messy and curly. Brown eyes covered with glasses, it tends to slide down his nose. The only thing uncommon is small hands, not too weird though, something friends usually coo and make fun over. Owns a lot of things that is colored lavender, as it is his favorite color, as example of his hair clip that he uses to keep his bangs away from his face.

Mental Description: A quiet introvert that don't usually make the first move to have friends, but have much interest and will ramble a lot to people he's comfortable with/know won't be bothered by his rambling. Tend to talk about biology and sometimes tease his muggle friends with his love of science until they shut his mouth. Tends to push a finger to his nose bridge to put his glasses up because it kept sliding from his nose, still had the habit even with the glasses off. Caused by reading too many fanfictions in his phone, he tend to see the world with a fiction-ish glasses, in a way he tends to sit back and watch and forgoes the fact that he is not, in fact, a reader that is reading a scene in a book. While his IQ is quite high, as seen with his consistent high scores, everyone including himself agrees his EQ might be very low and even his psychology teacher said to improve his emotional stability. He's kind, but he can't empathize. Emotion is his weakest subject, but it does not mean he doesn't feel emotion or couldn't pinpoint obvious emotions, it just meant he kind of felt, a bit distant. Oh, and he is very, very bad at comforting, he tries though, but seriously he is very bad at it. Couldn't for the life of him understand the function of sulking after an argument because he thinks it's a stupid way to prolong their disagreement. (...considering I was describing myself, I think I need help.)

Biography: A headstrong and confident mother and a quiet but comedic father. Have two brothers who he has good relationship with but tend to not talk a lot because he likes to lock himself in his room, but their relationship is close. Not much friends, but those who is his friends is very close with him, and they all know how big of a biology nerd he is. Kind of despairing for Hogwarts because it meant he's not going to be around his home for a long time and wouldn't be able to bring his laptop or phone to entertain himself.

First Instance of Magic: Accidentally broke his windows when he pulled a character he wanted very much on a gacha game during his school holidays. There was a lot of screaming involved, and some crisis over the fact that science couldn't cover of whatever he had done because his windows are not made out of crystal glass and he couldn't possibly scream over 100 decibels.