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Glenroy Haines
08 Nov 2011
Birmingham, England
First year, Slytherin
29,6 cm applewood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Glenroy Haines is a 4'11 English boy of Jamaican ancestry. He has dark eyes, brown hair, and brownskinned.

Mental Description: He is a curious child who always looking for something new to discover or learn. He is quiet and would rather let others do the talking. Some might describe him as aloof at time but thats because he is always in his own world of reading.

Biography: He had a good childhood. His mother is witch and his father is a muggle. They weren't rich by any means but they lived in a good house and always had food on the table. His mother is a White English woman and his father is Jamaican. When he was 9 years old his mother passed away due to a illness which badly affected him. Since then all he wanted was to be alone.

First Instance of Magic: When he was 8 years old he was watching his favorite rugby team but when they lost he broke all the furniture in the house by jumping so aggressively. His mother saw this and realized he had magic in him. His father was extremely shocked to see this happen but after he was proud of his son. His mother went straight to Glenroy to teach him about this amazing school call Hogwarts and where everyone learns about magic.