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Blair Williams
03 Oct 2011
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
23,9 cm aspen wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Blair has long, flowing blonde hair that cascades down her back in gentle waves. Her piercing blue eyes hold a hint of mischief, and her fair complexion is complemented by a smattering of freckles across her nose. She carries herself with an air of elegance and grace, always dressed pretty well and adorned with delicate jewelry.]

Mental Description: At first glance, Blair appears to be sweet and charming, often flashing a disarming smile that can win over even the most skeptical of individuals. However, beneath this facade lies a cunning and manipulative nature. She is incredibly ambitious and will stop at nothing to achieve her goals, using her intelligence and charm to manipulate situations to her advantage.

Biography: Blair hails from a long line of pure-bloods with a family history steeped in ambition and cunning. From a young age, she was groomed to embody the ideals of her house, and she quickly learned to adapt to the cutthroat nature of her family's expectations. Her upbringing instilled in her a deep desire for power and influence, and she is determined to leave her mark on the world. Her mother is a pure bl0oded witch, and is more sympathetic and gentle, while her father is more harsh and cold hearted. Because of this, Blair has been raised with conflicting views, which makes her a very confused girl on where she stands. She also has a older brother who has already graduated the school, named Luc Williams]

First Instance of Magic: While in a heated argument with her older brother, a 9 year old Blair accidentally raised her hand angrily and suddenly her brother went flying across the room to the wall. Shocked, Blair immediately rushed to his side, and her brother gave her a look, and shuffled out of the room to tell her parents.]